Create and Send a "Thank You For Bidding" Notice to not-awarded bidders
Here is how to send out a Notice to all your bidders who were Not Awarded, also known as a "Letter of Regret".
1) Make sure the "Awarded" column is showing on your bidders list. If
not, go to the Settings tab, scroll down and "Show" Award column.
NOTE: You can have all your bidders lists default to show the Awarded column by going to Settings> System Preferences> Bidder List, scroll down to "Awarded" and change to "Show", and Update settings.
2) Go to your View Bidders List> By Trade and then check-mark each sub you want to award.
Then go to Project Options> Add Notice to create your Notice. The title will show in the subject line of the email and on the Notice. For example, "Thank you for Bidding" is a good title. In the details, explain that they
were not awarded but appreciate their work bidding (for example).
ALSO... on the Notice screen, we recommend that you change:
"Visible on Portal" to "No".
"Show Login Info" to "No".
4) Click the Save & Preview/Send button and then click the "Not Awarded" sending option to send to only the Not Awarded subs.
If you have any questions, contact or call 949-222-0400
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© 2025 Pipeline Suite, Inc. dba PreconSuite™ 866-482-7638