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Email Logs & Email Status Icons

 After sending your Bid Invitation, the Email Log provides insight on what happened to your invitation after it was sent. In addition to the icons provided on the email log, clicking "show" next to a company on the email log will also provide a detailed description of the email's sending status, including exact reasons for dropped and bounced email error codes.

If you need assistance with determining why an email failed to deliver, please email Additionally, if an email status is "Dropped" with a reason of "Spam Reporting Address" or "Bounced Address", the email goes on a "Do Not Send" list. If you have confirmed that the email is valid and the recipient does want to receive your emails, please contact us at and we will clear the email from the list so you can send again.

To find the Invitation Email Log:
- Click the Project Options icon, then "Email Log (ITB)"

To access all Email Logs including Notices:
- Go to Reports & Logs > Communication Logs.
- Click "View" next to the Invitation or Notice.

Email Status Icons:

In the email log, you can click on each to see a description of each, and how to manage your Dropped and Bounced emails. Below is a short description:

- Processed: In the queue ready to attempt to send. 
- Deferred: Mailbox is temporarily unable to receive the email, the system will continue to attempt to deliver your message for a period of time (typically 48 hours).
- Dropped: Because of one of three reasons:
    1) Invalid. The email was not attempted because the domain doesn't exist (probably misspelled).
    2) Spam Reporting Address. The recipient marked an email as spam in the past, and is therefore on the Do Not Send (spam) list.
    3) Bounced Address. The email has bounced in the past, and is therefore on the Do Not Send list.
- Delivered: The email was delivered to the recipient's email address, and the recipient's email server sent back a message as such to our email server.
- Bounced: The receiving email server could not or would not accept the email (usually because the person is no longer with the company, but click "Show" to see if their email server is blocking your email... contact our support team to help them unblock, or simply ask their IT person to unblock your emails).
- Opened: The recipient opened your email (in rare cases it will show Opened if the recipient's anti-virus program opened and scanned the email before the recipient opened it).
- Clicked: The link in your email was clicked which gave access to your plan room (in rare cases it will show Clicked if the recipient's anti-virus program clicked and scanned the links before the recipient actually clicked a link).

Exporting Email Logs to Excel:

The Excel export of your email log can be sorted by Dropped and Bounced emails, and it has the company's phone number so that your team can call down the list of bad emails to obtain correct emails. The Excel download icon is in the upper right of the email log.


If you have any questions, contact or call 949-222-0400

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