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Create a Notice Memo

You can now send out a Notice that looks like a regular email, without any other embedded text or headings other than what you type or paste into the Description text box. This feature has several purposes:

A.  Send an Invitation to Bid that looks just like your regular email, with the option of inserting their first name in the salutation to make it look personal and perhaps get more responses.
B.  Send a Notice (addendum, message, memo, etc) that looks like your regular email, with the option to show or hide the Yes/No (login/access buttons).
C.  Send an email blast unrelated to a project to some or all of the subcontractors in your database (Holiday Greeting, Golf Tournament invitation, etc).

1. To activate this setting, go to your User Preferences.

2. Change your Notice Email Layout Settings from "Standard" to "Memo" and update settings. Notice that the default settings is to include "First Name in Salutation". The salutation will show as "Hi {first name},".

3. Add Project (if not added already).
If the Memo is not related to a project, then Bid date is not required. The only thing relevant is the Project Name, because it will be included in the subject line of your email as follows:
{notice title} : {project name}

For example, the subject line of an email blast for announcement of your annual Golf Tournament would read:
Announcement: ABC Contractors 20th Annual Golf Tournament 

Where "Announcement" would be the the Notice Title, and "ABC Contractors 20th Annual Golf Tournament" would be the Project Name.

4. Add Notice.
Enter your Notice Title and the body of your email in the Description box.

For example, if you are using this feature to send a more personal Bid Invitation, the Notice Title might be: "INVITATION TO BID". 

As with any Notice, you can choose to Show or Hide the login info and buttons (the "Are you bidding? " Yes, No, Unsure buttons), and choose to Hide the Notice from your Planroom Portal. 

See screenshot below:
     a) If you want your subcontractors to be able to see this Notice in your Planroom Portal, click "Yes" for "Visible on Portal?"

     b) If you want the email to look like a regular email from your own email program, change "Show Login Info?" to "No".  If you want to add the buttons so they can access your Planroom, check "Yes".

5. If you haven't already selected companies to send your Notice to, go to: Project Options> Select Bidders.
If you are sending an email blast unrelated to a Project, you will need to create your email list, same as if they were bidders on a project.  If you are sending to everyone in your database, use "Select Bidders> By Trade-ALL", Select All, and Add Selected Bidders.  Add yourself as a "bidder", and send a Notice to yourself first to make sure everything is set up properly before sending to everyone. 

6. After Sending your Notice Memo, remember to change your User Preferences back to "Standard" Notice.

7. Advanced option: Embed an image or logo in the email!
(same as your email signature/footer, for example).
Learn how here:

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