Have a header at the top where the divisions are accessible when selecting individual bidders w/o having to scroll up each time
...Or, if that is not possible, include a back to top button always visible in the bottom corner of the page.
Good news! We recently added this feature you voted for.
When you select bidders By Trade-Individually, you no longer have to scroll back to the top. The row of Divisions now freeze at the top.
Thanks for your feedback and votes!
kk commented
When sellecting the subcontractors it would be helpful to have a back to top button in order to quicckly return to top of list and allowing you to select the next trade.
Valerie Alba commented
When selecting bidders, add an option at the bottom of the screen to either "go back to top" and/or "go to next" so you may continue selecting bidders in the next division.