Option to show a contact's notes on select bidders screen
Create an admin user preference to include a contractor/contact's notes (maybe the first several words or 30 characters) such as "Does not do T.I. work" etc. so that when selecting, you remember when not to select them. Just like the new user preference to include or exclude phone number.
New setting allows users to show contact notes on the Select Bidders screen. To activate this setting, go to Admin>My Record>User Preferences, and change the “Contact Notes” selection from “Hide” to “Show”.
Also new…Users can now hide City, State, or the Groups column on the select bidders screen.
Anonymous commented
This is really needed or you may as well do away with the notes. they're useless without a way to search for them.
Tom Smiley commented
I agree, being able to see the notes section when selecting bidders would be very useful.
Kay Mann commented
I just received a request from a frustrated door supplier because they do not want us to send them invitations for public jobs (schools, churches, courthouses, etc). They’ve asked to be removed from our bid list. We have this message in their contact notes but the estimators building the bid list don’t see these notes so they mistakenly select them when they shouldn’t.
Do you have any idea when this request will become a reality? The status shows it is still under review.
In the meantime I have no choice but to remove this contact.