When creating new sub, show similar company names to prevent creating a duplicate company/contact.
When creating a new sub company (Contacts > Add Contact), show similar companies already entered to help prevent adding a duplicate contact.
This has been added. After entering a Company name and tabbing to the next field, the system will alert you to any existing records with the same company name in it. You can then quick-view the company to see if it’s the same one you wanted to add. You also have the option to Copy Company in case you want to add another contact for the same company. Also, within a contact’s record, there is a new Copy Company button.
Linda Gibson commented
I enjoy this feature. However, I've noticed that unless you type it in exactly it still flags the name as being different instead of being similar. Example, ABC Electric vs ABC Electric Inc. I would get the message that there is nothing similar to this entry. Is there a way to tweak this a bit so it doesn't do that? You're still getting duplicate entries which is why this was a great feature to begin with.
Eric commented
Like Outlook, you should be able to create a contact from an existing company. This would save you the problem of entering the sam information over and over again