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Ideas for New or Improved Features

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291 results found

  1. Send a notice when a sub changes their bid status (daily report of all responses)

    Send a notice when a sub changes their bid status...either from unconfirmed to yes or no, or from yes to no and vice versa. Doesn't have to be a notice for each sub, it can be a notice or email once a day at the end of the day with a list of the sub status changes and the jobs.

    Show each project and then show a list that were:
    Yes> Changed to No
    Yes> Changed to Unsure
    Unconfirmed > changed to Yes
    Unconfirmed > changed to No
    Unsure> Changed to Yes
    Unsure> Changed to No

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  2. Add the "Groups" category to the exported bidders list and option to add Groups, Cell and Ext to Standard Bid List

    When exporting the bidders list to excel format I noticed that the "Groups" category does not show up. It would be nice to have this for making call logs for MBE/WBE call lists. It would also be nice to have the time/date that they received the invitation come across on the export because we often have to show proof that we sent to MBE/WBE contractors and when we sent to them.
    Also add bidders list preferences to show Cell, Extension, and Groups on screen view and Printed list view.

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  3. Be able to select a time of day when Reminder alerts are sent out to unconfirmed subs.

    When alerts are turned on, there should be an option to setup the time of day that "Reponse Needed" notices are sent out to unconfirmed subs.

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  4. Sync the Bidding Calendar to Outlook Calendar

    senior management do not have access to Outlook. I communicate bid closings with them through Outlook. It would be great if the Pipeline Calendar could sync or export each new bid to Outlook.

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  5. Add the ability to make notes under a contractor on a particular project from the companies tab as opposed to only in the bidders list

    It is more efficient to search for a contact, than to go through the project, bidders list, and find the person that way when you want to make a note for that contractor about a specific project. If you could search the contractor, click projects, and then under a specific project leave a note there that would show in the bidders list it may save a few steps

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  6. 33 votes

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  7. Allow addendums to be attached to all notices by email but not included in faxes

    Allow addendum to be sent as attachment to those subs that receive notices by email without having it also (automatically) sent as a fax. Having complaints by subs receiving very large faxes when we are trying to quickly send out an addendum as an attachment.

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  8. allow subs to enter a reason why they are not bidding

    We get a lot of emails from subs where they reply back telling us why they can't bid a job (schedule, etc), and in relaying that they often don't respond via the site. A short text field to give a reason could be helpful.

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  9. Add A Google Maps Image of The Project Location In The Invitation

    It would be very beneficial if you added this so our subs could see an image of the project location in the invitation, that could be hyperlinked like you currently have the address hyperlinked.

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  10. Trade Report - Be able to print a list of our Divisions and Trades

    Be able to print a list of all our CSI Divisions and subdivisions/trades that we are using.

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  11. Be able to delete multiple contacts on Contacts by Trade list at one time.

    We can delete multiple contacts on the alphabetical list (Contacts>List All) but would be nice to be able to also be able to delete multiple contacts on the Contacts>List by Trade screen.

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  12. Add "Do you want to save changes" ?

    If entries/edits were made, don't let user leave without asking if they want to save changes. Mainly on the Edit Project and Edit Company screens.

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  13. Bidding Date Field

    Would like the date field changed from 2014/09/16 to

    Tuesday September 16, 2014 @ 4:00pm MDT
    it is good to have the time zone on the invitations so the recipients know what time they are closing the job.

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  14. 19 votes

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  15. Add a Send to Multiple option (for Invitations or Notices)

    After my original blanket solicitation I may have go back and select a few more individuals to send to. If I want to only send it to those individuals and not the unconfirmed, etc group, I have to select them and push the "Send to Individual" button. Because it jumps me back to the Dashboard I then have to go back and choose a new individual, push the button, and repeat.
    Please allow me to select multiple individuals.

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  16. Archive more than one project at a time

    Check boxes to archive more than one project at a time perhaps?

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  17. Project Type

    It would be helpful to have more than 2 options.
    i.e.- Demolition, Design/Build, etc.

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  18. Bid File Uploads

    From Bidder List By Trade within an active project: When a Subcontractor uploads a bid, we would benefit greatly by being able to change the name of the document (from this view) so we can track bid revisions and submissions from this view. Also, once a bid has been uploaded (either by us or by a subcontractor) we are no longer able to use the shortcut click on this view to upload an additional bid. It would save some time to be able to to upload an additional document from this view. Thank you!

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  19. Allow bidders to respond with name of contact if different

    Often there are many Salesmen, PMs or Estimators at a company. If we direct an invitation to an individual or an entire department, allow the responder to type in the name of the salesman/PM/Estimator who is actually bidding if it is different than who the invite was sent to.

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  20. Bidders list, contractors bidding on multiple trades

    On the bidders list where there is a contractor bidding on several different trades, ie: 2200 earthwork, 2510 site services, and 2900 landscaping, it should be defined under each what they are bidding on.

    example when you are on the 2200 earthwork tab for a contractor, is should also list that they are bidding on 2510 and 2900, Instead of having to do that manually.

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